2007 Audi S6 SEDAN

2007 Audi S6 SEDAN

$ 9,350 00

6550 views Condition: Used
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State: North Carolina
City: Charlotte
Address: 101 South Tryon St.
Zip code: 90005
Make: Audi
Model: S6
Body type: Sedan
Year: 2007
Mileage: 104969
Interior color: Black
Exterior color: Black
Transmission: Auto
Engine: V10, 5.2L
Trim Level: 5.2 Quattro
Body Type: 4 Door Sedan
Manufacturer: Audi NSU Auto Union AG
Production Seq. Number: 037353
Fuel Type: Gasoline
Engine Code: GN
Drive Line Type: AWD
Vehicle Type: Passenger Car
Vehicle Class: Mid-size Car
Restraint System: Dual Air Bag; Active Belts; Side Air Bag
Country: GERMANY
Assy. Plant: Neckarsulm
Check Digit: 5
JATO: 7359744
MPG: S6:14-19-16
AAIA: 57429/72951/77216
AAIA_ENGINE: 8214/13151
AAIA_LEGACY: 1433634
Transmission/MfgCode: 6 speed Automatic / 09E; 6 speed Automatic / N/A
Type: Car
AAIA_VehicleID: 57429
AAIA_EngineConfigID: 8214
AAIA_TransmissionID: 2498
AAIA_BodyStyleConfigID: 1
AAIA_BrakeConfigID: 6
AAIA_DriveTypeID: 6
AAIA_SpringTypeConfigID: 1

The 2007 Audi S6 is a well-crafted sports sedan. But in terms of maximum performance and driver enjoyment, it lags behind its two key competitors. Smooth powertrain, great brakes, well-equipped interior, standard all-wheel drive.
Air Bag - Side Curtain
Air Conditioning
Alloy Wheels
Antilock Brakes
Cruise Control
Dual Climate Control
Heated Seats
Power Brakes
Power Door Locks
Power Mirrors
Power Seats
Power Steering
Power Windows
Rear Window Defroster
Tilt/Telescope Wheel

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